August 29, 2023

10 Techniques to Improve Your Study Methods

The search for a more efficient study is a constant challenge for students of all ages. After all, the more time you dedicate to studying, the better your learning will be, right? Not necessarily. According to science, over- studying can be detrimental to learning and efficiency is more important than the amount of hours studied. In this sense, it is essential to know some tips that can help you study better and obtain more satisfactory results. In this text, we will present 10 scientifically proven tips to study more efficiently and maximize the use of the time dedicated to studying.

1. Avoid the “forgetting curve” during your studies

Focusing on efficiency is more advantageous than quantity when studying, and studying regularly is key to retaining information. Since 1885, scientists have been exploring this psychological phenomenon that remains a crucial factor to consider today. Basically, the first time you study something new or listen to a lecture, you have the highest chance of retaining up to 80% of what you've learned, compared to revising the content again within 24 hours. Therefore, it is important to maintain a study routine , dividing time between different subjects and using study intervals and breaks to maximize learning , and there's an added bonus: this effect is cumulative. After one week, you'll be able to retain 100% of the information with just five minutes of review. Psychologists generally agree that this type of study break - alternating between studying and not studying - is best. To optimize your study time , it is recommended that you get closer to the day you had contact with the material than the day of the test. While tablets and other electronic devices are convenient and portable, studies suggest that when it comes to university studies, printed materials still have an edge.

2. Make use of printed material

Studying is an essential part of the academic experience and it is important to find effective methods to optimize learning. The psychological phenomenon of information retention is something that scientists have been studying for over a century and can have a big impact on study efficiency . It is important to alternate between studying and not studying, with adequate intervals, to retain information more easily. While electronic devices are convenient, recent studies show that print materials are still preferred by most students and can offer a learning advantage. Using repetitions to learn is another important factor to consider when studying on a computer screen. With this information in mind, it is possible to develop more efficient study habits and optimize learning.

3. Create connections

The effectiveness of the study is not only in the amount of hours dedicated, but in the quality of learning that is acquired. Those who can learn more quickly and efficiently not only memorize information, but create connections between them. This approach, called contextual learning, is crucial to effective study and requires each student to customize their own learning methods, creating connections that link information so that it begins to fit together and make sense.

4. Study when you feel tired - and rest right away

Although it seems contradictory at first glance, the fourth tip for studying better makes sense, according to science.

Studying when you're most tired, just before bed, can help your brain retain higher concentrations of new skills, like speaking a foreign language or playing an instrument. This process is known as “sleep learning” or “sleep-learning”.

This is because the memory consolidation process peaks during slow-wave sleep. So reviewing material before bed can really help the brain retain information.

5. Instead of rereading, remind yourself. This is the fifth tip to study better

In 2009, a professor of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis published an article in Psychological Science that warned students about the habit of reading and rereading study materials . He argued that this practice could lead students to believe that they know the content well, even if it is not true.

The teacher suggests using “active recall” instead. This method involves closing the book and reciting as much of the content as you can remember to practice long-term memorization. Active recall is an effective technique that helps consolidate memory, making learning more lasting.

Another tip for optimizing study time is to practice spacing . Studies show that studying small amounts of information spaced over time is more effective than studying for long hours at a time. For example, studying for 20 minutes a day for a week is better than studying for 2 hours in a single day.

Combining different study techniques, such as active recall and spacing, can help students remember study material more efficiently and over the long term.

6. Use the Leitner System

A popular technique for studying is the Leitner system, created by the German journalist Sebastian Leitner in the mid-20th century. This method uses a series of boxes to organize cards with information to be memorized. Each box is assigned a different level of memorization and the cards are moved from one box to another according to how easy it is to remember the content.

The idea is that, over time, the cards are being moved to the more widely spaced storage boxes, indicating that the content is being better retained in long-term memory. The Leitner system is particularly useful for studying foreign language vocabulary and can easily be adapted for other areas of study.

7. “Metacognition: The Key to Conscious and Effective Study”

The seventh scientific tip to study is to think about the cognitive process itself, also known as metacognition. Experts say this proven method of learning is essential for students to constantly assess their skill level and progress, as well as carefully monitor their emotional well-being during stressful activities. The idea behind metacognition is that it helps in more conscious and effective retention of studied content.

8. Vary the Study Theme

Scientific studies have shown that it is more efficient to vary the content when studying, rather than focusing exclusively on a single area. However, it is acceptable and even recommended to merge fields from related or similar subjects.

For example, instead of just memorizing vocabulary in another language, it is recommended to also include reading practice. Likewise, when studying mathematics, it is advisable to combine several different concepts rather than focusing on just one.

9. Change your study location

Changing the place of study can bring many benefits to the learning process. The study routine can become monotonous and tiring when always carried out in the same environment, and moving to a new space can be invigorating and help to stimulate the mind.

In addition, a new place of study can offer a change of perspective, allowing the student to have a broader and fresher view of the content they are studying. This can facilitate understanding and retention of knowledge, as well as stimulate creativity.

Another advantage of changing the place of study is the possibility of better adapting to the different needs of the student. For example, studying in a quieter location can be beneficial for those who need complete concentration, while studying in an environment with more movement and interaction can help those who feel bored or lonely when studying.

Finally, changing your study location can be seen as an opportunity to explore new places and discover new sources of inspiration. This can be especially useful for those who are studying topics related to art, culture and history.

In summary, changing the place of study can bring many benefits to learning, including breaking the routine, changing perspective, adapting to different student needs and discovering new sources of inspiration.

10. Assume the role of “teacher”

Studies indicate that students have greater capacity to retain information when learning new concepts when they have the expectation of teaching them to someone else. In addition, research also suggests that students are more actively involved and naturally look for methods of memorization and organization when taking on the role of “teacher”.

Thus, the last tip for a more efficient study is: if you have the opportunity, try to teach what you have learned to a colleague or even an “imaginary colleague”. The important thing is to adopt the mindset of “being a teacher” from the moment of study, as it is this expectation that provides the benefits mentioned.


Efficiency is more important than the amount of hours studied, according to science. Therefore, it is essential to know some tips that can help you study better and obtain more satisfactory results. In this text, we present 10 scientifically proven tips to study more efficiently and maximize the use of the time dedicated to studying. It is important to maintain a study routine, dividing time between different subjects and using study intervals and breaks to maximize learning. In addition, the use of printed materials can be an advantage over electronic devices. It is important to create connections between the information for a study effective, and studying when you're tired can help your brain retain information. Instead of re-reading, re-read, and test yourself on the material studied to ensure you know the content. With these tips, you can study better and more efficiently.